USS Tarawa LHA-1 Reunion August 2-4, 2016 in Las Vegas

STEP 1 - RESERVE YOUR ROOM at Sam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall

USS Tarawa LHA-1 Reunion attendees should call the Hotel Reservations Department Office at the toll-free number (877-593-5993), which is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM and 12:00 AM, as well as Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 12:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time).

Callers must identify themselves as attendees of the (GROUP NAME) USS Tarawa and the (GROUP CODE) A6USC08 to obtain a room reserved under the client block. Without this identification, you may be advised the Hotel is sold out, will not receive the contracted group rate, will not receive the FREE breakfast buffet, and will not be included in the group final room counts. First night's room and tax will be required when making reservation.

ALL ROOMS MUST BE RESERVED BEFORE 7/6/2016, as the remaining unused rooms will be released into Hotel inventory for resale.

Cancellation Policy: 48 hours prior to arrival

The USS Tarawa LHA-1 Reunion midweek room rate is $26.00 per room/per night. Rates are based on single or double occupancy, plus 12% room tax. Please be advised that a $9.99 Hotel Service Fee per room/per night will apply and be collected at check-in. Hotel Service Fee included unlimited local phone calls, voice mail, wake-up calls, paging service, inbound faxing, wireless access, and shuttle service to Downtown and Strip properties.

The USS Tarawa LHA-1 Reunion weekend room rate is $54.00 per room/per night plus tax and applicable fees. Midweek rates are available Sunday through Thursday.



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