Shooting Competition Rules: 1) The shooter will give the range official the 2015 Top Gun rules. 2) The shooter must use Birchwood Casey Eze-Scorer 12" Bull's-eye Paper Target, bar code number 2905737013. 3) Competition dates are 1 – 15 August. 4) Calibers will be 9MM and larger. 5) Only 1 entry per shooter. 6) The shooter will shoot at a distance of 15 yards. 7) The shooter can shoot no more than ten (10) rounds as practice when entering the range and before shooting for the competition. 8) The shooter will shoot ten (10) rounds for score. The 10 rounds will be shot either 6-4 for revolvers or 5-5 for semiautomatic pistols. 9) The shooter will date, score and record their score, caliber and gun used on the target. 10) The range official will date, score and record their score on the target. 11) The shooter will take a digital picture in the largest format possible and post it on the Tarawa Top Gun Shooting Competition Facebook page no later than 16 August to be included in the official scoring. The official target is the Birchwood Casey Eze-Scorer™ 12" Bull's-eye Paper Target. What a great price! Note: You can sign-up on Tarawa Reunion Facebook group. Home | Ahoy Shipmates! | Must Read | POD | Reserve Room | Who's Going | Contact Us | TV | Top Gun | Facebook |